The most funniest TV Show "Big Bang Theory" Season9 Episode 17 is all about sheldon, cos He his celebrating his birthday. Happy Birthday to sheldon.

Once upon a time there was a unique prodigy, bullied by his peers and
siblings - much like the show he's on is bullied upon reviews - and
because he was bullied and because he thought it would never stop, it
makes it all the more rewarding when it finally does. Sorrounded by
people that are grateful for the day he was born, both Sheldon and the
show celebrate a milestone, in their own unique way (quoting ionee24).

Sheldon has always hated birthdays due to many bad experiences when he
was younger, so the gang tries to throw him the best birthday party
ever, which includes getting Adam West to appear at the party.
FroshLifers- Wish Sheldon Happy Birthday On Big Band Theory Below.....